Author: paul

Overview of the most important AgTech investors in the world

Overview of the most important AgTech investors in the world

What is AgTech and what is its potential?

In 2021, around 10% of the world’s population (768 million people) suffered from malnutrition. With an estimated population growth to 9.7 billion people by 2050 and advancing climate change, there is great concern that the problem of food shortages will continue to worsen.

Confronting these crises is the goal of many AgTech startups. They are working on solutions for more efficient and sustainable agriculture. The approaches are extremely diverse and creative. Various startups are trying to improve crop yields, find new ways to store and process food, or make livestock farming more sustainable. New farming methods such as vertical farming are also being developed to ensure food security today and in the future.

These and many other developments in the field of agricultural technology are not only interesting for farmers, but also for venture capital investors. The Agtech market is growing rapidly and already has a total volume of $20 billion. By 2030, the global Agtech market is expected to surpass $40 billion. As the sector continues to grow, so too does the number of investors looking to capitalize on the potential of AgTech startups.

On our portal thousandinvestors we have compiled a list of the 400 largest AgTech venture capital investors. An overview of individual important players in this space is linked below.

List of Biotech investor blog posts:

AgTech startup investor from Singapore: BEENEXT

AgTech startup investor from Paris: Sofinnova Partners

AgTech startup investor from Montréal: Real Ventures

AgTech startup investor from Tokyo: Incubate Fund

AgTech startup investor from London: Parkwalk Advisors

AgTech startup investor from Porto: Portugal Ventures

AgTech startup investor from Washington: Revolution

AgTech startup investor from Ottawa: Sustainable Development Technology Canada

AgTech startup investor from New York: Eniac Ventures

AgTech startup investor from Montréal: Fonds de solidarité FTQ


image source: D O M I N I K J P W via Unsplash (14.12.2022)

Overview of the most important Biotech investors in the world

Overview of the most important Biotech investors in the world

The current and future significance of Biotech

Since time immemorial, humankind has tried to confront major dangers and problems such as food shortages, diseases and environmental degradation. Sometimes successfully but mostly not. A great hope to solve these major global challenges in the future is the intersection between biology and technology (biotechnology).

The biotech field is as diverse as it is competitive. The Covid-19 pandemic in particular demonstrated the potential of some biotech companies and biotechnology itself. Companys such as Biontech or AstraZeneca could provide new solutions for combating the pandemic situation. Today, in addition to medicine and personalised medicine, agricultural biotech, environmental biotechnology and nutrition biotech are the most important areas of research and activity.

The value of the global Biotech market is estimated at over 100 billion US-Dollars in 2022. The growth forecasts are much higher. For 2030, the market size is expected to reach 3.44 trillion US-Dollars. This growth is driven by the urgency of global problems, but also by large government investments. Another relevant factor is the investment of venture capital investors in biotechnology start-ups.

The importance of biotech startups for future investments cannot be overestimated. That is why we have compiled a list of the largest Biotech Venture Capital Investors on our portal thousand investors. Blog posts about some of the most important players in this field are linked below.

List of Biotech investor blog posts

Biotech venture capital investor from Berlin: Global Founders Capital

Biotech venture capital investor from Bonn: High-Tech Grunderfonds

Biotech venture capital investor from Budapest: Hiventures

Biotech venture capital investor from Reykjavík: Technology Development Fund

Biotech venture capital investor from Stockholm: Almi Invest

Biotech venture capital investor from London: Seedcamp

Biotech venture capital investor from Newcastle Upon Tyne: Northstar Ventures

Biotech venture capital investor from Paris: Partech

Biotech venture capital investor from Swindon: Innovate UK

Biotech venture capital investor from Exeter: Crowdcube


image source: National Cancer Institute via Unsplash (12.12.2022)

Overview of the most important battery-startup investors in the world

Overview of the most important battery-startup investors in the world

The relevance of battery-innovations

As the world continues to move towards a more sustainable future, battery technology startups are becoming increasingly important. Today, batteries are in every smartphone, laptop or electric car. In the course of the transformation processes in the energy sector and in mobility, further developments of batteries are becoming more and more central.

A lot of startups are researching and developing new solutions to meet the environmetal challenges. New innovative batteries are intended to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly but also cost-effective with a simultaneously high-performance. Therefore some start-ups are trying to maximise the proportion of reusable materials in batteries. Others are looking for ways to minimise the proportion of rare earths in batteries, while still others are researching completely new methods of storing energy in batteries by using other components which are easily available. Every improvement has the potential to change the battery market and can potentially influence future developments in the industry.

Especially for Venture Capital Investors battery start-ups offer an interesting investment opportunity that is profitable while contributing to a more sustainable future. For these reasons we have created a database of the 200 largest investors in battery-startups which you can find on our portal thousand investors. Blog posts about individual relevant venture capital investors out of this database and their field of activity are linked below.


List of battery-startup investor blog posts

Battery Technology startup investor from Tokyo: Mitsubishi UFJ Capital

Battery Technology startup investor from Singapore: Vertex Ventures

Battery Technology startup investor from New York: Union Square Ventures

Battery Technology startup investor from Beijing: Legend Capital

Battery Technology startup investor from London: Entrepreneur First

Battery Technology startup investor from San Francisco: AltaIR Capital

Battery Technology startup investor from Boston: Sigma Partners

Battery Technology startup investor from Vienna: Speedinvest

Battery Technology startup investor from Chicago: ARCH Venture Partners

Battery Technology startup investor from London: Entrepreneur First


image source: Roberto Sorin via Unsplash (11.12.2022)